
Showing posts from March, 2023

March 31, 2023

 Today in Mr.Rease class we read to passages about life after college and the effects on loans with high interest rates we talked about the college we want to go to mine being Savannah State University I have everything to get in and i want to go for logistics and supply chain management and did a work sheet I completed everything but the argumentative essay I honestly just waiting for these last few hours before spring break  Happy Spring Break Mr.Rease 

March 30, 2023

Today in Mr.Rease class he was not here so we just worked in the Vocabulary book lesson 10 exercises 1-3-4 other then that we just worked on that me personally also worked on work for other classes see you tomorrow Mr.Rease 

March 29, 2023

 Today in Mr. Rease class we read to passages about autonomous vehicles which I did participate in reading actually kinda liked it mainly because I like reading and pretty much anything there is to do about cars we also did a graphic organizer picking out claims and evidence then selecting evidence which was the boring part but it’s all good anyways just patiently counting down the days till Spring Break two days in counting 

March 28, 2023

 Today in Mr. Rease class we started writing poems but I’m struggling to write mine I’m just having a writers block I need help 

March 27, 2023

  Today in Mr.Rease class was a pretty chill day. We read and annotated a poem. Then did an assignment Mr. Rease asked us to do atleast 5 of 10 questions which I gladly did I I’m getting better at annotating and understanding questions. Very happy with myself 

March 24, 2023

 Today in Mr.Rease class a chill day did the fences quiz on fences quiz was easy writing the essay was boring loved the fact I knew what I was doing counting down the days till spring break 

March 23, 2023

 I want to start out saying HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY TO MYSELF BIG 17  In Mr.Rease class today wasn’t to bad got in trouble for walking out but other then that I’m enjoying my birthday today again Is a light day just working on a little project it’s due tomorrow so I worked on it for Homework anyway till tomorrow  Again Happy Birthday to me 

March 22, 2023

 Today in Mr. Rease class it was a light day which I loved I feel like this class is so fast paced so for us to get a light work day much appreciated thank you Mr.Rease we defined terms for lesson 8 in the vocabulary book then made 15 sentences with the words simple then got to talk amongst our peers definitely a great day but I’m mostly excited by my Birthday is tomorrow so  yayyyy can’t wait.

March 21, 2023

 Today for Mr.Rease blog post were going to talk about the movie “Fences” I’m not going to lie. I enjoyed the movie more than reading it the movie was about a hard-working, black man Name Troy, who had moved to the north after his abusive and traumatizing childhood start a new life and to create a family living up north having the occupation of a trash collector as someone who used to play football and didn’t make it to the League while his son Cory got recruited him, but the father doesn’t want the son  to play football feels it’s a white mans sport. Father and son  get into argument father kick son out Cort the son joins the Marine Corps then comes home to his father’s funeral. It was very emotional and really good I really like Viola Davis. 10/10 I would recommend. I’d also rewatch this

March 20, 2023

In Mr. Rease class today we watched half of the movie called fences while catching up on our work from Friday I really enjoyed working on this assignment for an extra day because it allowed me to finish the assignment and have a small port of free time to watch the movie after finishing I struggle with this tell me a little bit but with help from my classmate, I got it

March 17, 2023

 Today in Mr. Rease we finally finished up fences. I did not like the ending it sucked. I would’ve changed it to Cory not going to his fathers funeral and Rose not forcing him to go. I also would’ve changed roles staying with Troy and Rose divorce him we started doing our work I like that we did it together. we didn’t get to finish it but there’s always Monday. Have a good weekend.

March 16, 2023

 Today in Mr. Rease we kept reading fences I read again today I was much more comfortable reading. I actually kind of enjoyed my part. The work was OK just OK. I’m really enjoying the book. I can’t wait to see what tomorrow section gonna be like I been waiting on what rose will do about he husband having an affair 

March 15, 2023

 Today in Mr.Rease class we started again with play fences act 1 scene I forgot I got to read as Corey and I wasn’t excited to read only cause I really don’t like reading aloud around people but I did it so I’m proud of myself then we did a work sheet it was actually difficult I just had a hard time picking out arguments literally traumatized by this assignment I took the whole rest of class period to finish and still didn’t finish I’m really trying to pass this class Amen

March 14, 2023

 To in Mr. Rease class I started out talking to my friends what we thought the lesson was low and behold we started a play called fences I’ve never read it but I’ve watched the movie and liked it wasn’t really sure what I’d expect and analyze it on our own sheets it was alright not my favorite but that’s life I guess today was fine till tomorrow 

March 13, 2022

 Today in Mr.Rease class it started off rocky because I really didn’t want to be at school I really wanted to be home but I lossened up to talk to my friend about what we thought was gone be on the lesson plans for the day we went over a poem I liked it actually and made me somewhat want to be at school the best part of the day really was going home tho till tomorrow 

March 10, 2023

 Today was considered an asynchronous day, so I used today to just catch up on work for classes trying to be successful and productive. While watching my nephew I study because I took the SAT on Saturday and I plan on going to sleep early tonight and that was my Friday. Have a good weekend. See you Monday.

March 9, 2023

 Today in Mr.Rease class, we took a County  benchmark, which I loathe I personally did not get to take the benchmark today because I didn’t have a computer, but I plan on doing it tomorrow while I have a little bit of free time before work after that, everybody just chilled, which was very relaxing and greatly needed and I’m happy we don’t have school tomorrow

March 8, 2023

 Today in Mr. Rease’s class miss Cook did the lesson today, which I always love we did a poem that the theme was basically nothing good ever stays forever, which has been my favorite poem so far because I feel like it’s true. Then we analyze that poem broke it down, which sometimes makes it easier to understand then we had an impromptu fire drill, which was wonderful, because I really needed to stretch my legs after that we came to class and tried to finish up whatever we had to do next and went to the next class

March 7, 2023

 Today, Mr.Rease‘ class we started out with the class discussion and going over yesterday is all out poem and doing a small class process of elimination quiz which was fairly easy and then started going over a poem, called i forgot the title and it was about this man that may be is 20 years of age plus and wanted to go back to his childhood and it really resent it with me because I’m growing up I have times where I want to escape reality and go back to my childhood then we finished off by doing a little analyzing sheet which was fairly easy because we talked about it in class

March 6, 2023

 Today in Mr. Rease’ class we analyze the poem today. I really enjoyed the poem because it made me feel more interconnected. I also enjoy being able to analyze the poem as a class. Because it gives me a chance to see what my classmates think. But my favorite part of the class is when Miss Cook brought us donuts because of our presentations from last week.

March 3, 2023

 Today in Mr. Rease class was a very early easy day. Also, today was part two of my classmates, presenting their work titled ambush which my group went today. When I was presenting myself I was very nervous, very anxious and I was happy when the parade started because I got to end early and get off everybody’s face, I really enjoyed the sound of the parade because I didn’t really get to see it and after we got back to class we did a lesson in the English vocab book just writing definitions and if you exercise and just finished up class talking to my classmates .

March 2, 2023

 Today in Mr. Rease class was a very early light day. We listen to our fellow classmates, present their projects on the story name ambush. All the groups did a very good job to me. They all presented very well. Make sure they kept eye contact and ask him questions to make sure we understood it. then we did a lesson summary on the book which was kind of easy I did struggle with it a little. In all today was a OK day.

March 1, 2023

 Today, in Mr. Reese’  class we started with an assignment that was group practice. Everybody had their anything to do. Mine was literally luminary. I found this assignment to be easy to a certain extent. I did enjoy working with my group members, so they really cool then be codependent to. Lastly we  played. A game trying to guess ms.cooks first name